Thursday, July 11, 2013

GEZI ... think/write

Freitag, 5.Juli 2013

I came back to the boarding school after the summer holiday where I had already been studying two years. An information was waiting there for me. A girlfriend of mine, whom I knew from the school had a traffic accident during the summer holiday and had died. This information is a crazy information. I didn't believe. How to believe? I couldn't believe because I didn't had felt anything to that time when this accident had happened. Is it possible that a friend of you, a person you love, may have enormous pain and die finally after one week and your body, your soul is not really able to feel this? Maybe there had been something I can do for her, but I didn't even sense it. Secretly I would so much like to believe in the telepathic qualities of human being, even I had never really experienced this. That I couldn't accept the death of my girlfriend may base on the same reasons. Was it too loud around me? Had I been too occupied with anything to that certain time point when this accident had happened, so that I couldn't gat aware of what was happening with her? Maybe I had heard it, a cry with a very high frequency maybe, or very low, maybe I knew it at that moment, like something one can know without knowing how to, and maybe I just didn't interpret the meaning what I had perceived. Like being not able to read a certain language. I informed myself about the date and the just hour when the accident happened, I tried to remember what I was doing at that certain moment, during this week, where I was, with what I was occupied. I was trying to find a sign which should show me that I could sense the pain of my friend if I would knew how to interpret, no way: medium was needed.
Anyway, I never saw her afterwards and believe even now that she lives as I am doing, just somewhere else, at an other geography, in relations to other people, and it is just that we didn't say “goodbye”, and not “see you again”. For sure here and then when we come together with friends from the science high school we speak about her and about her very early death and there is a kind of sadness in the air, a sadness which I cannot share with them though. I don't speak about that I can not really be sad and tell them the reason why. Not really. Coming from a scientific education, being a daughter of atheist parents don't really allow me having believes in that way. Believing that this is my way of physiological protection seems to be more rational. But it is not just this, people die, people live pains, people are tortured all over the world, abused, people are asking for help, people cry, people get loud, and many other people cannot hear it, know about it. This is to accept. If one is not in the same space with the other, with the others, not in the audial or visual space, he needs to find the medium if he wants to reach the others.

31st of Mai 2013 was the first day the police attacked demonstrators who were occupying the Gezi Parkı, one of the rare green areas in Taksim Place – Istanbul. One more shopping mall was planed to build there, one more money making building, and couple young people wanted to act against this, wanted to stop the plan. They were using the park around the clock. They were there with their tents, books, music instruments, they were there with friends, acquaintances and were open to everyone who wants to join them. The police though attacked them on 31 st of Mai, early in the morning, aggressively. The prime minister Erdoğan was calling them çapulcu -looter, swag man- who deserves to see their day.

The most important think which I got aware of, before all during the first couple days of the violent attacks of the police against the demonstrators in Gezi was, and it is for sure not just me who got aware of it, is that the TV channels brought nothing on the screen. That what was happening there, was very important for the country, as you may had followed the next days showed this very clearly, but the TV channels which are based just in the neighbourhood didn't even brought couple images or sentences during the news. In contrary, facebook and twitter were flooded with news, photos and videos, which were quite violent. Why was this happening in such a discrepancy? Were the people who are working for the channels not aware of all that what was happening in their own city, in their own country? Not to have telepathic qualities with persons whom I love, getting aware of this fault-belief I was secretly believing, was a pain to me as a young teenager; as an adult it is a pain to get aware of that the media of a country doesn't bring the news to screen. So no one could have been informed via TV about what was happening there, as long as they had not been in the spaces of Gezi. As long as they don't have kids, friends, neighbours who were at Gezi, and who informs them. As long as … social media … (to that theme far later)

That the visual and print media was under the control of certain people and that their sympathies were defining strongly what we were able to hear and see from the country, from the world was somehow clear to us. But that the journalism had already turned to such a poor situation, so far away from its original call and the motivation of this profession, so far away from the ethics, this was not what we could imagine. Even though so many journalists are for years in jail, we couldn't really believe, probably with the same reason why I can't believe that my friend has died, so we didn't act. Or maybe because we couldn't act, we could not believe that the media is such corrupt. Since as soon as we are convinced we should go in for changing this situation. Hard job for one. And maybe... we were living good lives, or the life was too dure, or we were just tided in our responsibilities, careers, hopes...
Anyway, the day came, and we recognized how dramatic the situation of the journalism was. Apropos I am not sure if the case that the situation of journalism is 'half-corrupt' or 'quarter-corrupt' is better than 'total-corrupt'? At least by the last you know that you cannot trust, since developing a feeling for believing partially is quite hard job. (also to that theme far later)
One of the best impacts which this awareness caused is that so many people, who call themselves Turks excused from their Kurdish fellow citizens. They were writing that they now can understand how false they were informed, how impossible it was that they can be aware of what was happening in far east. They were asking for excuse, because they had read this newspapers and had watched these TV channels all through the years, which were under 'total or partial control' of the government. The government, as a 'whole of institutions', which is not in the service of the folk they are elected by, but … (What do they do as politicians, if not being in charge of the people? To this theme far later.)
The first reaction of Erdogan, you already know. The second reaction was that he was saying that the demonstrators had tortured a woman with a kid who is carrying a scarf. (Far later came out that no one had tortured this woman, but the woman tried to discuss in a rude way with the demonstrators, who ignored her. Time after it came out, that Erdogan is the wedding witness of this woman.) He said in his speeches that the demonstrators get into the mosque, to the holy places of the country, with their shoes, that they had been drinking beer there, and that harlotry had happened in this mosque. This mosque had been used as first aid infirmary for the people who were injured by the attacks of the police. As the Gezi was evacuated a photo came in print media which was showing a bunch of used condoms, for making Türkiye clear, what the ethical level of the demonstrators is. I mean I don't really have problem with people who make love with each other, but the point was that the same photo was already used before couple months in relation to news which is about a whorehouse. People had been killed, and the politicians were saying, that their own friends caused them to die, which was obviously not true, because so many people had witnessed what had happened. … Actually I could make a list about the second reaction of Erdogan: lying
but I will come back to the theme 'Media' and tell for last about a more organized lie: One day in the morning, as I do nowadays, I opened facebook. One of the messages which was coming up, was a entrance card for a theatre piece, organized by AKP, the ruling political party. I didn't understand at the first view what AKP was trying to do. The good thing though is that the young people in Gezi understood what AKP was trying to do. Early in the morning some civil police with Che Guevara t-shirts came from the side of the park and attacked the police. With molotov cocktail. The cameramen of the main leading TV's were already there, well positioned and making their shootings for the country, whose target is to show how violent the demonstrators are. To me, who had read so many posts from demonstrators in the sense of that they are not and won't get violent, and that everyone should take care about this attitude, since it would be in the interest of the government to provoke them to violence, and that would be beginning of the end of the game where they loose their rights, yes, to me, it was not difficult to believe that this theatre is a shooting game for formatting the opinion of the folk in Türkiye. But what did so many people believe in when they were watching TV? People who don't have internet, who are not networked via social media, who don't have the people around them, who cannot inform them about the real facts of that what is happening there in Gezi?
Third reaction of Erdogan: Are you one of us or not? Actually this is an attitude which the whole government is built on and working with? If you are one of AKP, you can be sure, your way will be lightened. If you have problems they will solved. Even the justice will not cause you a damage. Because of the reason of 'ethic and moral' in metro stations are announced that the couples shouldn't kiss each other, but on the other side, if you are one of AKP, you won't really have problems. For example, even though couple bureaucrats of a city has abused 16 years old teenager, this can be considered as ok. Or an handicapped child was abused two years long by a bureaucrat is not a real problem. The police had killed during the days of demonstration four people, but the justice is not really reacting, because it is 'his police'. For sure not because Erdogan or any politicians have a problem with that this certain police will be considered to a adequate sentence, but it would show that they cannot take care about their people, their privileged people. Their people should do everything what they command, but for that they will not get punished. They had already began with the tactic that the police began not to use helmets with their personal numbers, so that no video, no photo of anyone can one day show who was the person who behave out of his responsibilities. So the police can handle as brutal as they want.

Fourth reaction of Erdogan: witch-hunt. If you don't belong to them, you are considered as a 'witch' which has to be haunted, 'whose day will be shown'. With Gezi Movement this game turned to a main focus of AKP. Do you belong to them or not, you showed, so everything necessarily will be done.
What the government didn't already had under control, for bringing only 'the information, thinking and world view' of their own under the folk, was the social media. Not very easy to believe, since the importance of social media in the 'Arabic Spring' was already known. But probably it is quite difficult to get this medium under control, without injuring the democratic rights of a society. Or is it? And when if, how will we hear their voice?
Politicians announced that they will get the information from facebook and twitter, who messaged what, who was in contact with whom, and who was active 'anarchist', and that 'they will show to the guilty people their day!' Somehow it was too late, to use the 'fear' of people to control them for not using the social media. It had already happened. No idea how, but somehow 'the wall of fear' which had been build up during the last decades in Türkiye was broken by the mass of people before all by the young people.
The movement began with just couple young activists camping at the park but turned in a very short time to millions, spread all over Türkiye. People were getting information in the shortest times per facebook messages or tweets, they were making photos and videos with their smart phones and were putting them into web. Accessible for everyone. Everyone was able to act and react, was journalist and reader, demonstrator and observer at the same time. Gezi Movement was happening at an age where the technologies were allowing a transparency through everyone who were connected by social media, “the damn media” with the words of the president Erdoğan. Yes, but will this communication media help people also by the problems which are waiting for them in the era of witch-hunt? I hope. But it is for sure that this era has a quality which is silent, subliminal and insidious. People who showed up by in Gezi got rude reminder and were even discharged. This mentality will literally ruin many people. A brand which will not heard easily if one doesn't look at. What are to do? I mean that this question is one of the most important questions, which needs their international creative answers. Now we know that our neighbour is abusing his kid, but he also knows that we know it. What to do? What are our responsibilities?
Also about this very important theme I will go on thinking/writing later. I would like to come back again to the social media, to the meaning of the social media, which allowed this movement arrive its potency. What are these medium really, the social media? What are their strong qualities? Was it really the social media which helped people to break down the wall of fear which had been build up very systematically? What is there to learn, to understand? I would so much like to understand this. And this I will try, while I am writing this article. 

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